Sunday, March 15, 2015


So my grandma celebrated her 91st Birthday and my cousin and I decided to have a little party for her. It was wonderful. She loved it and we love making her happy.

I decided to make her a birdhouse this year. She won't put it outside even though I did seal it so she could. But she is afraid someone might steal it. Things do seem to go missing once they are outside. However she has the prettiest little garden tucked in a corner in her backyard. Maybe I can try to convince her to put it out there since no one can see the little garden.

Below is pictures step by step as I made her birdhouse. Enjoy and be sure to leave a comment!


Painted the entire birdhouse turquoise blue and thought about what I wanted to do.

Decided to paint big flowers on it.

Painted the flowers and decided I didn't like

So I decided to paint the top with a Sherbet Lime and started going in a different direction. I was sending pics to my aunt, whom gave me ideas on this birdhouse.

Painted the base Sherbet Lime as well.

Painted the borders with Jet Black.

Added the white stripes onto the bottom...

and to the top roof border.

I added layers of circles with three different sizes of sponges and added a blue border around each circle design. I also added dots in between each large circle design. 

Here I am enjoying my time in my art room.
I also put little red lines between my black and white stripes.
I also painted the porch or base back to black so that the vine I am planning on painting on the front won't blend into the base.

Here I added a lime green vine on the front of the birdhouse.

I used a paint on varnish and sealed it so it can be put outside in a garden or on the porch.

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